May 1, 2024
Budget Collector
استكشاف كنوز خالدة في متحف باردو: رحلة عبر الأساطير القديمة
متحف باردو، الجوهرة التاريخية الكائنة في قلب تونس، هو ملاذ الفن القديم والأساطير. يضم واحدة من أكبر مجموعات الفسيفساء الرومانية في العالم، إنه المكان الذي يتوقف فيه الزمن، ويتحدث التاريخ من خلال تحفه الأثرية. خلال زيارتي
February 29, 2024
Budget Collector
“Woman with two children seated beside a broken wall, destroyed city in the background” is a raw, preparatory work by the artist Theodore Fried. We are presented with a simple composition of a crouching female figure cradling one child while pulling another older child close.
February 14, 2024
Budget Collector
In the 1950s, American abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock became the poster child for freedom-loving consumer culture capitalism. His epic-sized drip paintings vibrated with an energy and spontaneity that contrasted vividly with the tired aesthetics of Communist Russia and ‘Old World’ Europe. For the first time,
February 9, 2024
Budget Collector
Born in 1902 in Hungary, Theodore Fried lived through the first world war, the rise of the Nazis and WW2 before escaping to the US. His artistic oeuvre reflects both the thriving artistic movements he witnessed first-hand, and also the historic event he got caught
February 5, 2024
Budget Collector
Hollywood Africans (1983), Jean Michel Basquiat
Hollywood Africans is a large-scale painting produced while African American artist Jean Michel Basquiat was in Los Angeles in 1983. Completed in the artist's unique style, it features three crude portraits of the rapper Rammellzee, the painter Toxic and himself.
January 23, 2024
Budget Collector
Artemisia Gentileschi, a pioneering Baroque painter of the 17th century, left an indelible mark on the art world with her powerful and emotive works. Among her most celebrated pieces is the visceral and emotionally charged painting, 'Judith Slaying Holofernes.’
Painted around 1620, 'Judith Slaying Holofernes,' style
August 14, 2023
Budget Collector
في عالم الفن ، توجد إبداعات تمتلك القدرة على تجاوز الزمن والجغرافيا ، وتنقلنا إلى الأراضي البعيدة وتغمرنا في نسيجها الثقافي الغني. إحدى هذه التحف الفنية هي لوحة شاب تونسي مزين بأناقة برداء أبيض وقبعة شيشية تقليدية ، جالسًا في أحضان ممر مقنطر. هذا العمل
August 14, 2023
Budget Collector
في عام 2014، قدم مهدي بن شيخ، مؤسس المعرض، اقتراحًا غير عادي لسكان الرياض الموجود في قلب جزيرة جربة: تحويل قريتهم إلى متحف مفتوح لفن الشارع. كانت نتيجة هذه المبادرة عملًا فنيًا شاملاً وجماعيًا، متجذرًا في بيئته لإبراز جمالها. وبعد النجاح الذي حققته في عام
June 23, 2023
Ebonique Boyd
Explore a captivating journey into art history as we delve into a Renaissance-era portrait that sparked a tech startup. This article explores the ethical sourcing of pearls, the power dynamics embedded in Renaissance art, and the role of interpretation in understanding art's transformative power.
March 30, 2023
Budget Collector
(1917–21), John Singer Sargent. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
by Robert McCaffrey
John Singer Sargent was an American portrait artist synonymous with the gilded age. His portraits are frequently loaded with psychological complexity driving an emotional dialogue between the viewer and the subject.
Nude study of Thomas E. McKeller (1917-21)