Discover how artists can turn Instagram likes into dollars by optimizing their profile, posting high-quality images, engaging with their audience, and using hashtags effectively. Learn strategies to boost your art business on Instagram.
Budget Collector is sponsoring the “Art@Home” event at the Henry Zarrow Center for Art & Education (124 N Boston Ave, Tulsa, OK, 74103). The exhibition will be up the entire month of September, but the conceptual art exhibit is only available to be seen live
Talk to the cofounder Ebonique Boyd about the new premium service being offered by September 2022. Do you have any questions that you’d like answered? Do you have any suggestions for the app? Speak live with the app co-founder during this event before Budget Collector
Blog Launch & Art Research
Ebonique Boyd launched a blog about her art collecting hobby and gave herself a yearly budget of $5000. She used the money to travel to different galleries, read books on art collecting, and pay for some research help.
2018 - 2019
Low Tech