
Art Scene Disrupting the Market Through Inclusion

Art Scene (formerly AI Art Advisor), the next-generation art discovery and evaluation app, is disrupting the art market by combining cutting-edge technology with deep insights into art and aesthetics. Our proprietary "artistic quotient" machine learning system helps users discover their unique taste in art and navigate the art market with confidence. With Art Scene, collecting art is no longer limited to the elite few - our app is democratizing the market and making it accessible to everyone.

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Meet the Founder: Ebonique Boyd on Rescheduled in Tulsa, OK

Meet the Founder: Ebonique Boyd on Rescheduled in Tulsa, OK

Have the opportunity to speak to the cofounder of Budget Collector about the app. Ebonique Boyd, the product/marketing lead, will be at 36 Degrees North to discuss the revolutionary app on a mission to help everyone become an art collector.

Do you have any questions that you’d like answered? Do you have any suggestions for the app? Speak live with the app co-founder during this event before Budget Collector launches the new membership feature!

New Membership Features:

What’s next for the membership? You always decide! Talk to the founder about what you need to feel more comfortable buying fine art.

This event will be filmed by Fiverr/maestra Brooklyn for social media and other online-type of content. Please be prepared to sign any sort of release prior to attendance.

We believe in art.

Join our collective journey with Budget Collector.