
Art Scene Disrupting the Market Through Inclusion

Art Scene (formerly AI Art Advisor), the next-generation art discovery and evaluation app, is disrupting the art market by combining cutting-edge technology with deep insights into art and aesthetics. Our proprietary "artistic quotient" machine learning system helps users discover their unique taste in art and navigate the art market with confidence. With Art Scene, collecting art is no longer limited to the elite few - our app is democratizing the market and making it accessible to everyone.



Larry Caveney

The Outsider Artist Larry is what one would call, an Outsider Artist. The idea is that the artists is not schooled or socialized in the art world. "We are making art just to satisfy ourselves," explains Larry. This is a very primitive idea of art; you

Appreciating Art through the Lens of Data Science

The three of us in Team Splatoon have partnered with Budget Collector to analyze relationships between dominant and secondary colors in artwork with region of origin, art period, or time. We will accomplish this by deploying various color quantization techniques that extract key color information from each piece

Georgia Tech Students at Budget Collector

In the background of app testing and data analysis, Budget Collector was preparing to onboard 20 master students from The Georgia Institute of Technology (AKA Georgia Tech). Georgia Tech’s Master of Science in Analytics program is an interdisciplinary data science degree which requires students to

Wretched Blasphemy

Just being able to think of myself as an artist. Is a huge success. That I can provide for my family and create a comfortable lifestyle. It would be the absolute dream of the dream".

Cristiana Prado

I was born in the city of Salvador, Brazil, in a historic region full of mysticism and symbolism due to the syncretism of cultures and religions from European, African, and native peoples. This diversity has shaped my artistic endeavors. My art works result from my

Philbrook Museum – Tulsa, OK

Artwork needs to be active, it needs to be activated, it needs to be able to tell stories that matter to people that live here” says Scott Stulen, the Executive Director of Philbrook Museum of Art.