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Lisa Regan Art – Tulsa, OK

Lisa Regan Art – Tulsa, OK

Fauvism was the first of the avant-garde movements that flourished in France in the early twentieth century. Ruled by nature, and ideally—no rules at all—the Fauve painters helped break away from the controlled concept of Impressionism. Their leader was Matisse. Making his mark with undisguised brushstrokes, high-keyed vibrant colors, and unconventional movement of color planes.


If you have ever seen a Lisa Regan painting, you can feel the culture of this movement in her brushstrokes. Inspired by nature and propelled by travel, Lisa’s art is a collage of color, layers, texture, and something she sees in her backyard.

“Sometimes I will literally lay down in my grass and look at the henbit weeds with a different perspective. It’s like the most simple thing can become amazing by changing and abstracting the shape.”


Recently, her backyard has been the Caribbean sea in Mexico. Last year she purchased a property in the beautiful beach town of Mahahual as an opportunity to paint the energetics of the place. “I am inspired by nature. Verdant greens totally turn me on. All the magnesium blues of the Caribbean Sea and lakes of Mexico. Architecture like wasps nests, coral, and fossils, all these shapes go into my work.” says Lisa.

Lisa Regan’s Moonlight on the Lagoon

Like many of us, her first purchase of art was posters of rock bands in the ’70s and ’80s but as she matured and became an artist herself, she appreciated art that was alive. “In the pottery, I appreciated it from every aspect of my life. If it was handmade and had love in it, I could feel it.” When buying art, Lisa advises we should feel that love, emotion, and connection to the art, and “if it calls you in—go look at it. Find something that delights you” she says.

"I like to embed intention into the painting so that it is a collaborative effect."

Lisa explains her art process as complicated, because it’s completely intuitive. She works with multiple layers on multiple canvases at a time. As she starts to layer the canvas with paint, the art begins to reveal itself and becomes alive. “I almost always start the first layer with a prayer. I write it in with a crayon or workable pencil and then I work with that shape and that morphs into something else. I like to embed intention into the painting so that it is a collaborative effect.”

Before Lisa was a painter, she was a metal sculptor with a thriving business, Garden Deva. She has a reputation that if you buy a Deva sculpture, your garden will grow. I attest to this, as my garden thrives centered around my handmade Bella sculpture gifted from Lisa. For 25 years Lisa mastered the medium of metalsmith but wanted more. Mentored by the great artist, Cynthia Brown, the painter inside Lisa was born. She soon fell in love with this new medium and had a desire to paint every day. She encourages other artists to ‘activate’ their canvas daily and to never stop. She relates, “a lot of times we quit because of fear of not being successful. And that success is often right around the corner. If you really feel passionate about it, just keep moving through it and keep painting.”

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Buying Lisa’s Art


Lisa sells her art via 3 main avenues: Instagram, friends of friends, and at the Royce Meyer gallery. At Royce’s gallery, she has around 20 paintings ready for purchase, and on Instagram, she will post photos of a painting in progress and it is often sold before it’s even finished. Her paintings vary from 10 X 10 to 60 X 48, with prices ranging from $150-$5,000. Lisa also teaches art classes in her studio on the west side of Tulsa. Once a gas station, now a large studio space holding hundreds of tubes of paint, always with the large garage doors open so she can work with the elements of Mother Nature.


Like the Fauvist Matisse and his travels to Tahiti and Morocco, Lisa too sees travel as her muse. “I made better art in Mexico than I could make in my garage. So that’s why I booked this place, so I can go there and absorb the energy. I don’t have to do a lot of the work. I just have to be a vessel and have the courage to put it on a canvas.”


Ready to Plan A Visit?

Find Edison Studios at 4040 W Edison St, Tulsa, OK 74127 or find Lisa Regan on Instagram (@lisadeva).

"Success is often right around the corner. If you really feel passionate about it, just keep moving through it and keep painting.”

Local Hotels & Restaurants


Lisa’s studio is in between downtown Tulsa and Sand Springs.


In Sand Springs, enjoy an authentic and delicious Italian restaurant:
Little Venice.

208 N Main St, Sand Springs, OK 74063

On the west side of downtown Tulsa, check out one of the best BBQ joints.

Albert G’s BBQ

421 E 1st St, Tulsa, OK 74120

For lodging: Aloft Hotel Downtown Tulsa
200 Civic Center, Tulsa, OK 74103

Lisa's Three Favorite Paintings

  • Missing India

    Missing India

    Acrylic on canvas. 4" X 5"

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  • Tucson Mornings

    Tucson Mornings

    Acrylic on canvas. 4" X 4"

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  • Moonlight on the Lagoon

    Moonlight on the Lagoon

    Acrylic on canvas. 4" X 4"

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