
Art Scene Disrupting the Market Through Inclusion

Art Scene (formerly AI Art Advisor), the next-generation art discovery and evaluation app, is disrupting the art market by combining cutting-edge technology with deep insights into art and aesthetics. Our proprietary "artistic quotient" machine learning system helps users discover their unique taste in art and navigate the art market with confidence. With Art Scene, collecting art is no longer limited to the elite few - our app is democratizing the market and making it accessible to everyone.


MSA Practicum Spring 2023 – Budget Collector

MSA Practicum Spring 2023 – Budget Collector

During the spring of 2023, Budget Collector Inc. worked with 20 students from Georgia Tech’s Masters of Analytics program to bring forth different time series visualizations. Each visualization was focused on analyzing color in one of the various online art institutional databases from Museum of Modern Arts to Rijksmuseum. Below is the proposal given to the students as well as the expected deliverables.

Table of Contents

General Information

Methods of Communication

The main platform for communication is Slack, please check your email for invitation link. A limited amount of instructional videos will be recorded and placed on Slack within the first three weeks of classes. These videos will be recorded zoom lectures on the basic theories needed to complete the MSA proposal. Students are invited to show up for these or other zoom hours.

Persons of Contact

Budget Collector

Anya Ellis

Email: anya [at] budgetcollector.org

Seminar Series: Tuesday & Thursday 6pm-7pm est

Office hours: Friday 12pm-1pm est, Thursday 6pm-7pm est, or by appointment (Zoom info on Slack).

Ebonique Boyd

Email: ebonique [at] budgetcollector.org

Office hours: By appointment (Zoom info on Slack).

Georgia Tech TAs

Michael Aldridge

Email: michael.aldridge93 [at] gatech.edu

Office hours: check with them personally (on Slack or through Georgia Tech channels).

Jennifer Johnson

Email: jjohnson46 [at] gatech.edu

Office hours: check with them personally (on Slack or through Georgia Tech channels).

Jia Wen Liu

Email: jiawen.steven.liu [at] gatech.edu

Office hours: check with them personally (on Slack or through Georgia Tech channels).

MSA Proposal Description

Background Info

Color can be very representative of art movements. Deep colors are associated with the Baroque movement while light soft colors are pivotal to the vaporwave aesthetic. These movements themselves center around a particular region, before maybe moving toward globalization.

Problem Statement

We, at Budget Collector, believe a time series analyzing color representation in art that correlates geographic regions could help art historians have a greater ease in connecting color changes with changes in art movements, globally.


  1. Find dominant and secondary colors in different artworks
  2. Analyze correlations and trends between colors, regions, and time.
  3. Create an interactive time series visualization that can be hosted online


  • Three 1-page articles updating on progress.
    • Due week 3, 5, 7 (Requirements listed below)
    • This will be posted on the company blog. (Students can repost articles elsewhere, but must make mention of that through appropriate channels).
  • Implement an interactive time series visualization
    • Due week 14
    • This will be hosted on the company website, and students are expected to help setup hosting of the project, depending on code choices.
  • Cleaned Github Repo
    • Due week 15
    • This should have a readme file, an open source license (GNU AGPLv3), code with comments and documentation at the top of each file.
  • Final Presentation, recorded
    • Due week 15
    • This should be a recorded PowerPoint presentation. The video should be approximately 10 mins in duration.
    • This presentation should include similar content as your final paper / midterm presentation, such as introduction, dataset, methods, visualization and analysis.
    • Send us an unlisted YouTube video link.
  • Mid-term PPT Deck
    • This should be no different than the course requirement.
  • Written Final Report
    • This should be no different than the course requirement.

Deliverable: 1-Page Article

  • Required
    • Send your post to ebonique@budgetcollector.org
    • Minimum post length is 500 words
    • Attach a featured image
    • List out of names who contributed to the article
    • Create a title for your blog
  • Recommended
    • Post length is at least 1000 words
    • Write an Excerpt
    • Create a subtitle
    • Have at least three headlines, such as:
      • TLDR
      • Team Members
      • Why We Chose This Database
      • How Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Influenced Our Color System Choice
    • Identify tags for the article
    • Identify focus keyword
    • Create a team name, otherwise the author will be Georgia Tech.
    • Write a short bio for each team member, submit a headshot for team members, and provide a link to your linkedin, etc.
    • Create five social media posts. Example below:
      • “Sorting through the data, our team learned this about @uichicago’s art”
      • “Our team decided to evaluate 3000 of these artworks at @aiartadviser’s database. This is why…”


This is a tentative schedule and will be updated as the program goes forth. Each deliverable is due at the end of the week. The seminars, office hours, readings and slides are optional.

WeekTopicResources and ReadingsSlidesDue DeliverablesVideos
1Jan 9Intro and Onboarding [1] [2] [3]00-intro.pdf, whentomeet survey
2Jan 16Color Theory; Basics of Visualizations + Article 101s [1][2][3][4]01-color.pdf, 02-vis.pdfgroup formations must be decided01-color, 02-vis
3Jan 23Basics of Front-End; Basics of Back-End[1][2][3][4][5]03-frontend.pdf; 04-backend.pdf1-page article03-frontend; 04-backend
4Jan 30n/a – only office hours
5Feb 6n/a – only office hours1-page article
6Feb 13n/a – only office hours
7Feb 20n/a – only office hours1-page article; midterm report
8Feb 27n/a – only office hours
9Mar 6n/a – only office hours
10Mar 13n/a – only office hours
11Mar 20n/a – only office hours
12Mar 27n/a – only office hours
13Apr 3n/a – only office hours
14Apr 10n/a – only office hoursinteractive time series visualization
15Apr 17n/a – only office hoursrecorded presentation + clean github repo

Inclusive Work Environment

Budget Collector Inc. believes in diversity and inclusion. Regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, geographic background, religion, political ideology, language, or culture, we believe everyone is valuable enough to contribute in a respectful, welcoming and inclusive way for every other member.